sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Until I'm Suffering Fatigue ...

It happened a somewhat embarrassing episode. Now are 5 am sharp, and I just get up off the carpet in the room where I live. I'm from 1:30 in the morning creating the steps in "Scorpion Poison" to the show I want to do in July ... just that my body began to regret, with my eyes and joints. But I haven't stopped. There came a point where the fatigue was taking, he was starting to wobble, when I tripped on the shoe laces. I fell to the ground. This was a 4:05 a.m. ... I just remember feeling the impact with the ground. From there, just remember waking up now. In short, I too rehearsed to the point of exhaustion, and me is what happens with every artist ... I fainted. I have reached my limit, I was exhausted from rehearsing, and the fall that I took helped to fainting happen faster. But that's okay. I was not hurt or anything, even just fainted. That is, until the next faint. Joke. Dhy. =)

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